
Fast Logistics

About Fast Logistics

Fast Logistics Cargo was formed in 2008.

As a company we offer you a huge platform which is enormous and can handle any type of Cargoes and shipments by businesses, having its network spread globally with international accreditation – International Air Transport Association (IATA) WCA Projects, MTO, World Greater China Logistics Network Pte. Ltd, Millennium Logistics Management, Federal Maritime Commission FMC WGCLN Family.

At Fast Logistics, excellency drives the performance. We specialize in providing simplified solutions to our customers by giving them most cost-effective solutions for all their logistics and supply chain requirements. Our strong presence in more than 13 countries spread across 03 large continents – Asia and Africa, with over 800+ employees, 50+ Regional and Branch Offices and 12+ Warehousing.

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Transport and Logistics